

For non-urgent issues, please follow the guidelines below and choose the right service. An appointment may not be necessary.

This will help us to be more efficient by making an appointment available to you when you need it the most.

Book an Appointment

Check your condition first

Many conditions can be dealt with without the need to see your GP.


You can try a local pharmacy for advice about a range of conditions and we also have lots of self help information. Please try this advice before contacting the Practice.

You can find out who is best placed to deal with your condition by making a selection below


The NHS Symptom Checker will also give you advice on who to see 

Request an appointment

We are currently trialling a new appointment system and request that all patients who have online access submit an online consultation - follow this link to access the system.

A clinician will then review your submission and arrange the appropriate help that you need.

If you do not have online access you can still contact us on 01243 210086.

When it is needed patients are allocated 15 minutes for a single appointment, so please try not to make more than one request at a consultation.  Please also remember that an appointment is for one person only; where another member of the family needs to be seen or discussed, another appointment should be made (so that time can be allocated and the correct records made available).

Text Message Reminders

You can now register to receive information by text message on your phone regarding appointments and health care. 

If you wish to register for this messaging service please fill out the consent form.

New Data Protection Regulations from May 2018 (GDPR)
Under the new data protection regulations introduced from 25th May 2018, we will continue to contact patients via text messages regarding the delivery of care if they have provided consent to do so.

If practices are sending messages about recommended treatment for the management of a specific health issue, then this is defined as providing appropriate care for patients, not marketing purposes.

If you would like out opt out of any future contact via text messaging, then please complete the form and indicate in the marked section.

More information is available in our policies section

Travel Vaccinations

Home Visits

Whilst we encourage our patients to come to the surgery, where we have the proper equipment and facilities available, we do appreciate this is not always possible. In this respect, if you do need a home visit, you can help us by calling reception before 11:00am.

You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice. Your GP/Paramedic Practitioner will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed. Please bear this in mind and be prepared to provide suitable details to enable the doctor to schedule house calls.

You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.

Life Threatening - Go to A&E

Call 999 or go to A&E now if:

  • you or someone you know needs immediate help
  • you have seriously harmed yourself - for example, by taking a drug overdose

A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a medical emergency.

Find your nearest A&E

How to Cancel an Appointment

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please give us as much notice as possible so that your appointment can be offered to someone else.

If you are cancelling please telephone us on 01243 210086.

Alternatively you can cancel your appointment using our online services or The NHS App if you are signed up to the service.


The Health Centre is committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times and the safety of everyone is of paramount importance.

All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure where they feel one is required.  This chaperone may be a family member or friend. On occasions you may prefer a formal chaperone to be present, i.e. a trained member of staff.

Wherever possible we would ask you to make this request at the time of booking an appointment so that arrangements can be made and your appointment is not delayed in any way.  Where this is not possible we will endeavour to provide a formal chaperone at the time of request.  However occasionally it may be necessary to reschedule your appointment.

Your healthcare professional may also require a chaperone to be present for certain consultations in accordance with our chaperone policy.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this please contact the practice manager.